The annual Baton Rouge Mini Maker Faire was this past Saturday, October 8, 2016, at the East Baton Rouge Parish Main Library.
Featured DEF CON 225 Presentations
- A pay phone making VoIP phone calls over Wi-Fi
- A Wi-Fi controllable ROOMBA
- An application that mutilates images (and sometimes non-images) in predictable (and sometimes unpredictable) ways
- Lock picking 101
- Great informational flyers provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Lock Picking Resources
If you want to get a solid, basic set of picks to learn on, I’d recommend the SouthOrd MPXS-08 set. Good for beginners, but feels bland after a few months.
If you want a great set that gets you acquainted with many of the types of picks that exist while improving upon the MPXS-08 set, I’d recommend the SouthOrd MPXS-17 set. Not the MPXS-11, since that one doesn’t have a city rake. Lots of variety—makes you get a feel of what pick is best for what job.
If you want a fantastic set that transforms your picking approach from a hobby to an art at the expense of a pretty decent learning curve, then I’d recommend the Sparrows Tuxedo set. Slim, sleek, and transforms your picking mindset, but requires tuning and adjustments to your picking style.
As far as locks go, I mostly practice on padlocks, and I just pick up most of mine at Walmart, Lowe’s, Home Depot, or from family and friends that don’t use their padlocks. If you’re looking for actual practice locks though, I’d throw in my recommendation for Sparrows again.
Along with the usual, awesome DEF CON 225 and presentations, this year featured Mythbusters’ Jamie Hyneman with a Question & Answer presentation as well as giveaways by EA Baton Rouge and Acadian Robotics.
We will see you all next year!